
Showing posts from April, 2019

Patriotism Isn't Racism

 Patriotism is putting the rights, protection and provision of our own before providing, protecting and fighting for the rights of others. That doesn't mean that we will not help others it just means there are responsible priorities that have to be in order. If you are a parent you don't neglect your children in order to take care of other people's children. You take care of your children first and then help others if you can. The same goes for if you are a teacher,a pastor, boss, public servant, business or whatever, you put the needs of your students, employees, constituents, or customers before the needs of those that you don't  have the responsibility to serve.  The basic misunderstanding of our society is caused by not having a basic understanding of the cause of all the confusion.  Globalists want to demolish America in order to build a New World Order and Patriots want to demolish globalism in order to rebuild America.  Patriots want to put the needs o...

What is the actual issue? There is a solution, thank God!

 I have never voted in my life and claim no political party. I am simply an objective observer that watched the quality of life deteriorate in America as inflation, debt and corruption increase and freedom, honor and respect decrease. Judeo/Christian values where replaced with ever increasing evil, crime and corruption in every system in our society. Movies, television, music,religion, family, business, arts, entertainment, government,schools, and even our streets became increasingly corrupt.  When Trump got elected it made sense to me that the business of managing America be handled by a business man with his own money, rather than someone that has been baught by a special interest group.  What I have observed is that the deterioration of our society has been by design. The origin of our demise has been something that has been hiding in plain sight. Former Presidents have been suggesting the need for a New World Order. The plan was to demolish national sovereignty and ...

Heaven on Earth

 When Jesus fasted for forty days and was tempted of the Devil he was shown the kingdoms of the world. Satan said, "All of this has been given unto me, and I give it to whomever I will, Just bow down and worship me". Jesus said it has been written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve". Jesus won the victory, but it is up to us to enforce that victory.  God made man to take dominion over the Earth and the kingdoms thereof. But man lost dominion to Satan when he gave into the temptation to become "like gods knowing good and evil".  The kingdoms of the world are ruled by either those that serve Satan and want to be "gods", or by those that worship and serve the Creator and His son, the Christ. Christ is the Word of God, which is the Seed of God, which is the Son of God. Jesus said, "Not unless a seed falls to the ground and dies does it spring up and bare much fruit". Through the death, burial and resurrection of...

Regardless of Political Party You Need To Read This

The reason so many immigrants are so desperately trying to enter our country is because we have the greatest country ever. What made our country great in the first place was that it was founded on principles implemented to ensure freedom Of the People, By the People, For the People. Our Constitutional Republic was set to ensure freedom from tyranny. Freedom of speech.Freedom of religion.Freedom of the press. Freedom to raise a family, own property, a business and express our unique and creative individuality.  The Bill of Rights included the right to bare arms and form a militia if the government became too over-reaching and began to infringe on our rights to self governance.  Our government was set to service and protect the people and the Rights of the People. They were to be public servants that served the public, rather than their own interests. They were to work for the people, not the other way around. They were to be hired by the people through votes and paid by the...