Patriotism Isn't Racism

 Patriotism is putting the rights, protection and provision of our own before providing, protecting and fighting for the rights of others. That doesn't mean that we will not help others it just means there are responsible priorities that have to be in order. If you are a parent you don't neglect your children in order to take care of other people's children. You take care of your children first and then help others if you can. The same goes for if you are a teacher,a pastor, boss, public servant, business or whatever, you put the needs of your students, employees, constituents, or customers before the needs of those that you don't  have the responsibility to serve.
 The basic misunderstanding of our society is caused by not having a basic understanding of the cause of all the confusion.
 Globalists want to demolish America in order to build a New World Order and Patriots want to demolish globalism in order to rebuild America.
 Patriots want to put the needs of American citizens first so we can regain our strength to help others. Globalists would prefer that America was no longer in existence. They dream of a day when they have all the power, money and control, and national sovereignty and freedom of individuals no longer exists.
 Globalists have succeeded in bankrupting nations all over the world and America is the last line of defense against global domination.
 But we have God and the law on our side.In order to put public officials in office that go against the needs of the American people they have to commit treason. How they have gotten away with it so far is by dominating positions of influence and slowly indoctrinating our society to slowly accept their evil agenda as something good. But now Patriots are waking up to what is actually going on and coming together with a common goal to reclaim our national sovereignty and freedom of the individual.
 The solution to the problem is to remove these ungodly people and decentralize the power of the federal government and return legislation to the state and local level.
 Globalists are not only in our government but also in every influential position in our society. Many do not even know that they are being used as pawns because the demise of our freedoms and morals have been compromised for so long. #MAGA


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