This generation

 "This generation " was that generation. 

Jesus stood in the Temple rebuking the Pharisees and said that all the blood shed from righteous Abel to Zechariah was coming upon that generation. As He was leaving He said that there wouldn't be one stone left on top of another. He went up to the Mount of Olives and his disciples asked him when will these things be. He told them their generation would not pass until all these things be fulfilled. He told them that when they saw the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place, those in Judea were to go to the mountains. And when they saw the city encompasses with armies they were to leave Jerusalem. 

Roman soldiers worshipped the image on the top of their flagpoles. When the Roman governor of Syria sent a legion to suppress uprisings in Judea it backfired because they marched into the Holy Place with their abomination. This outraged the Jews and triggered the Great Revolt. When Vespasian got to Jerusalem he got word that Nero was dead so he left and went to Rome. The disciples went to Pella and were saved from the seige when Vespasian's son Titus returned to bring desolation. Titus blasphemed God and took a prostitute and had sex on a scroll in the Holy of Holies to prove that he was a god. 

The Great Tribulation was the grand finale of the old covenant and occurred in the first century A.D.  The beast was Rome. The number of the beast was Nero. The Great whore was ancient Israel. God called Israel His adulteress wife because she worshipped other gods, stoned the prophets, crucified the messiah and persecuted the promise child. No other people group can commit the same crime as ancient Israel. Under the Law if your wife committed adultery you would stone her and if the daughter of a priest played the harlot you would burn her with fire. Jerusalem was stoned and burned in 70AD. There was a 40 year generation that was in transition from Egypt to the Promise Land and there was a 40 generation that was in transition from Law to Grace. Christ was crucified in 30AD and the elements of the old covenant was desolate in 70AD. The kingdoms of the world are the promise land of the new covenant. But once again the people of God are steeped in an evil report.


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