The Current Condition Of Our Nation

The day Trump won the election, Hillary called to congratulate him. The next call she made was to Obama to say, "I'm sorry". The reason she was sorry was because their evil plan was stopped by God. Their evil plan was to absolutely destroy this nation in order to usher in the New World Order. She took over 10 million dollars from a powerful cartel that controls the Food and Drug Administration that sells dangerous medications for big money and suppresses cheaper more effective medications and cures. The deficit was vastly increased, Our borders are wide open, allowing illegal and dangerous gangs like MS-13 to flood into and take over entire neighborhoods. Our military is greatly depleted and scattered all over the world so we could be easily defeated when the invasion occurred. People have a problem with Trumps ban on Muslim refugees when the refugees themselves don't want to come to America, they just want to return to their homeland in peace. But before that can happen terrorist groups must be defeated and humanitarian efforts and Bibles must be sent to these regions. Obama gave a vast amount of money to our enemy in Iran and made an idle threat to Assad in Syria to stop using sarin gas on his own people, but did nothing because they said they got rid of it all. He only sprang into action when our ally in Libya needed our help. He told him that we had his back, only to stick a knife in it because he had a deal with the Muslim brotherhood. Muammar Gaddafi was killed and our troops were told to stand down when the embassy was overrun and our ambassador was killed. Hillary rejoiced openly when our ally was murdered. It's amazing how many times Hillary's lies contradicted themselves and she committed perjury under oath, destroyed innocent lives, committed vast amounts of crimes and not only got away with it, but people still wanted her to win the election. I suppose feminists wanted her to win just because she's a woman. The rest are just so brainwashed that they don't see what is gong on before their eyes.This New World Order plan goes way back through time under the authority of the Illuminati which is a satanic religion that worships Baphomet. Baphomet is the goat headed creature that sits in a lotus position. They use child molestation, ritual abuse, torture, prostitution, pornography, animal and human sacrifices in their rituals to induce mind control over their victims that are programmed from infancy to have total mastery over them. These people are so horrendous, corrupt and power hungry that either no one believes that this goes on or that they are so connected that it will only take divine intervention to topple their evil empire. Trump has ordered an investigation into the pedophilia being committed in our government and the officer in charge of the investigation said he's getting no cooperation. Trump said to give him a list of names of those that don't want to cooperate and he will publicly ask them why they don't want to cooperate. One of Hillary's ex-employees have already been charged with treason. One source said that Obama has "conveniently" gone on vacation in another country that don't expedite. But another source said that he is already in custody on an off shore island while these things are being investigated. Only time will tell.
 We are about to see a move of God that goes beyond biblical proportions but Trump really needs our prayers, support and unity. In spite of everything I just mentioned we must remain in the Love of God and pray for everyone on both sides of this issue. God is Love and anything that we do outside of Love has no power. The important thing is not that people get what they deserve, but that this evil is stopped and corruption purged. We can't be fair weather support that turns on Trump just because we don't agree with the tough decisions that he has to make or if he makes a bad one. God uses fallible people because that is all there is. He is our President whether we like it or not(personally, I think it's awesome). And people need to understand how serious this is and face reality.


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