Manifest The Kingdom

The interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of an image of various metals and clay in Daniel 2 said that a stone cut out of the mountain without human hands would collapse all other empires and fill the entire earth. By 312 A.D.Christianity was legalized in Rome. Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven was likened unto a mustard seed and leaven. Christ birthed His Kingdom 2000 years ago. The stone. leaven, mustard seed was sown and bore a family, the family became a Klan, the Klan became a nation, the nation became an empire. The problem is that a vast amount of the citizens of the empire are anxiously waiting for their chance to go A.W.O.L., rather than ruling and reigning in righteousness. The citizens of the Kingdom have been given unlimited authority to fill positions in every facet of society and disciple nations.
Look at the world around you. It does not take much discernment to see who is discipling the nations. The Bible gives many examples of how God would sow His people into kingdoms that did not know Him, and against all odds, they would occupy and reign with influence over the nations. It did not matter if they were a fugitive on the back side of the desert.It did not matter if others didn't agree with them. It didn't matter if they were a slave and an inmate.It didn't matter if there were giants in the land. It did not matter if they were in exile. It did not matter if the nations worshiped other gods, had great wealth, wisdom and authority. None of those things mattered because their God was the creator, the healer, deliverer, provider,the author and finisher, alpha/omega, the beginning and the end, the only wise God.
It does not matter what your position is in life. If you have a personal intimate relationship with God through Christ, You have the anointed King living inside of you. He is the Spirit of infinite wisdom and authority and you can manifest the Kingdom everywhere you go.


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