What is the actual issue? There is a solution, thank God!

 I have never voted in my life and claim no political party. I am simply an objective observer that watched the quality of life deteriorate in America as inflation, debt and corruption increase and freedom, honor and respect decrease. Judeo/Christian values where replaced with ever increasing evil, crime and corruption in every system in our society. Movies, television, music,religion, family, business, arts, entertainment, government,schools, and even our streets became increasingly corrupt.
 When Trump got elected it made sense to me that the business of managing America be handled by a business man with his own money, rather than someone that has been baught by a special interest group.
 What I have observed is that the deterioration of our society has been by design. The origin of our demise has been something that has been hiding in plain sight. Former Presidents have been suggesting the need for a New World Order. The plan was to demolish national sovereignty and replace it with a world government.
 What made our country great to begin with was that it was founded as a Constitutional Republic and Biblical principles. It was designed to ensure freedom of the people rather than tyranny. Globalists want control. Our freedom of religion, speech, and the right to bare arms was implemented to give the people the legal right to speak out against tyranny and form a militia if the government got too oppressive and we need to defend our freedom even if that meant to go to war against our own government.
 I share more about this in my article
 Although it would be insane to think that we could protect ourselves with weapons at this point, we still have the legal right to decentralize the federal government, reduce bureaucracy and regulations and return the power back to We The People.
 By reducing government control we also reduce waistful spending, corruption and higher taxes.
 It is harder to skim off of a smaller percentage and it is easier to keep government officials accountable if the power is returned back to a state and local level. If you would like to know more, leave a comment. Thank you and God bless.


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