Heaven on Earth

 When Jesus fasted for forty days and was tempted of the Devil he was shown the kingdoms of the world. Satan said, "All of this has been given unto me, and I give it to whomever I will, Just bow down and worship me". Jesus said it has been written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve". Jesus won the victory, but it is up to us to enforce that victory.
 God made man to take dominion over the Earth and the kingdoms thereof. But man lost dominion to Satan when he gave into the temptation to become "like gods knowing good and evil".
 The kingdoms of the world are ruled by either those that serve Satan and want to be "gods", or by those that worship and serve the Creator and His son, the Christ. Christ is the Word of God, which is the Seed of God, which is the Son of God. Jesus said, "Not unless a seed falls to the ground and dies does it spring up and bare much fruit". Through the death, burial and resurrection of the Word made flesh, the seed of that Word was scattered to recreate multiplied sons of God.
 The Seed became a family, the family became a clan, the clan became a nation, and the nation became an Empire.
 The Bible says that the last and final Empire will be the Kingdom of Heaven. It is time for the Kingdom of Heaven to move on the kingdoms of the world. It is time to remove those that knowingly or unknowingly serve Satan and their own interests. Jesus said, "Let the greatest among you be the servant of all".
 The truth will be revealed and exposed. There are many who knowing worship Satan and commit sacrifice and ritual abuse in order to gain power over the kingdoms of the world illegally. They have been getting away with evil for so long because their evil is so horrendous that it is unbelievable to descent people. It will be hard for people to accept that the people that they greatly admired could commit such horrendous and treasonous acts just for personal glory. Only the love of God will get us through the transition.


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