Christ or Anti-Christ

 The word Christ means anointed one, which refers more to the anointing that is on the individual, than it does to the individual himself. The anointing is represented by oil or in other words, fuel for the fire. It is the power and authority bestowed on the individual. The word Christ is derived from the  Greek language and the word Messiah is derived from the Hebrew language and they both mean the same thing. As in seed conception, a seed can do nothing on it's own, but if the seed is conceived, the conceiver supplies everything that the seed needs to develop and function.
 Jesus had to become the Christ by way of the Holy Spirit coming upon Him. He grew up in Nazareth and was recognized as the carpenters son, rather than the Son of God because not until he was baptized and the Holy Spirit came upon Him, spent 40 days in the wilderness tempted of the devil, did He come back as the Christ, under the power of the Holy Spirit.
 The prophesied messiah would be both a High Priest and King after the order of Melchizedek. There would be no separation of church and state, only a distinction between the two. When tempted in the wilderness, the devil took Him up on a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and said, "All this has been given to me and I give it to whomsoever I will. I will give it to you if you bow down and worship me". Christ said, "It has been written, You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve". Christ didn't come to compromise with the devil, He came to defeat him. He had to come in the form of a man, under the anointing, to restore dominion back to man.
 This dominion over all the kingdoms of the world pertained to all spheres of influence. A kingdom is a kings domain. And a kingdom divided will not stand.
 Although dominion over all the kingdoms of the world have been restored back to the sons of God, it is the responsibility of the sons of God to enforce that dominion. A son of God is a direct descendant of God. A direct descendant of God is begotten of the Father and conceived of the Holy Spirit. This creative miracle occurs to the human spirit when a person is born again. Regardless of the gender of the flesh, the born again spirit is a son of God because it is begotten of God, and regardless of the gender of the flesh the born again spirit is the Bride of Christ because it is in covenant relationship with God. Christ is the head of the church and the body of Christ is the Bride.
 Antichrist means against or in stead of Christ. 1 John 2:18 says
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. At the time that the Bible was written there were already many antichrists on the earth. Daniel prophesied when the Christ would come and those that rejected the true Christ were deceived by many antichrists. In other words they were deceived by many deceivers that were functioning under an unholy spirit.
In our day we also have leaders that function under unholy spirits. There is a great clash of empires and domains. They that function by the power of the Holy Spirit bring love, unity, provision and protection for those in need. They that function under an unholy spirit cause strife, division, violence and destruction.
The Bible says that the Kingdom of Heaven would fill the entire Earth. Antichrists function under the delusion that their empire will fill the entire Earth. Former Presidential administrations have revealed their desire for a New World Order. They were financed by a man named George Soros. He was a teenage Hungarian Jew at the time of the Holocaust. His father was rich and saw the direction that things were going, so he paid for forged documents and bribed a Nazi Politician to adopt him and tell everyone that he was a Christian. He went around with His adopted father confiscating properties from Holocaust Jews and eventually learned how to conquer, bankrupt and destroy entire nations without ever going to war with them. He got rich buying and selling foreign currency and he could destroy a nation by financing organizations that voiced outrage and violence against supposed discrimination. The deception caused separation rather than unity. The United States was on the verge of total collapse so that it could be annexed into the control of this New World Order and very few people even realize it.
God has raised up another billionaire to defeat the knowing and unknowing enemies of the United States and stop this ungodly takeover and restore the United States to Biblical principles of peace, prosperity and Love.



  1. I would like to invite all CI's to come to my ministry and learn about your Biblical heritage.


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