Politics and Religion

 Many people are panicking over recent events on the world scene. Against all odds like the last Superbowl, Donald Trump was elected as the President of the United States. The strange thing about an upset, is that people get upset. With the slogan Make America Great Again Trump ran for President. I guess if you are 70 years old and have a net worth of ten billion dollars it's time to take up a hobby like becoming the President of the United States. Being the business man that he is, and because the United States broke the Guinness book of World records for the largest debt that ever was, he decided to offer his expertise in the area. With no desire to be a warmonger and topple evil regimes, a dilemma fell into his lap. Assad of Syria used sarin gas to murder some of his own citizens. This wasn't the first time that Assad had done this sort of thing and the former President warned Assad that if he crossed an imaginary red line and done it again that there would be repercussions. Evidently the red line was imaginary even to the former President because Assad used sarin gas and nothing was done about it. The problem was presented to Trump and he stated that he was "President of the United States, not President of the world". But when he saw the videos of what a horrific affect that sarin gas has on babies and children he was moved with compassion and changed his mind and sent 59 Tomahawk missiles and blew up the base that the sarin gas originated from.
 Suddenly hopes were dashed, accusations were made, and people started running around like Chicken Little with his head cut off, saying that Trump was just like all the other guys. I can relate because I have been accused of the same thing, but that's another topic that I won't get into.
 People have a tendency to assume the worst, and they are now expecting WWIII. 
But on an interview on CNN the most trusted name in fake news, something slippery occurred. They interviewed a Syrian refugee and this is what he had to say...
 Beings it was live on Skype, they couldn't edit it and insert their political liberal bias, even though they did pause with a clip of Hillary criticizing Trump for not letting refugees into America. The man passionately expressed his gratitude that someone finally cared about their situation, and the lack of desire to be a refugee or live in American but wanted to live in peace in his own country.
 But getting back to WWIII. Syria is allied with Russia, and North Korea is allied with China. China and Russia are superpowers, they are like big brothers, North Korea and Syria are like their little brothers that are always getting into trouble. China and Russia want to get along with Trump because it is good for business. Before Trump bombed the airbase in Syria he called Russia's Prime Minister Putin and told him to get people out of the way because things were going to get messy. Russia has sophisticated technology that could have intercepted the missiles which didn't happen. It was showtime so Putin publicly condemned Trumps decision and is going to the U.N. to say that Trump was naughty. 
 This is going to make some people cringe, roll their eyes and implode or explode depending on the individual, BUT. There are some people that talk to God and God talks to them. Trump has been compared to Cyrus and I dare to also compare him to Solomon. Solomon was called to build a Temple in Jerusalem and Cyrus was called to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit once rebuked me because I said, "Solomon was the wisest man", He said, "I am the wisest Spirit". Solomon was at peace with all his neighbors because he was too smart and too rich to mess with. It was more beneficial to do business with him. Trump had a praying mother, was raised with Christian principles and has a lot of people praying for him. He is surrounding himself with people that hear from God and quite often God moves in spite of us, rather than because of us, because he has some little old lady in His ear that won't shut up.


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