Intellectual Laziness

Hating Trump based assumptions about his personality and motives is either intellectual laziness, or you agree with the agenda of the New World Order that seeks to confiscate our personal sovereignty our money, liberty, property and businesses.
 Our Constitutional Republic was established on the principle of individual rights and self governance.

 Gilligan's Island was a political statement that showed that people  were basically pretty cool and that they don't need a government managing their resources and behavior. Of course there are exceptions to the rule that brings balance to the rule. In a society larger than seven stranded castaways, there will be people who are weak and those that seek to exploit the weak.
 In a Constitutional Republic you will have small government, low taxes, and less regulations. When governments are implemented with a Socialist agenda you have big government with high taxes, strict regulations, and bureaucrats enforcing these regulations. You are basically paying someone to oppress you.

 Freedom is to rule over your own domain. The word kingdom is a compound word which means king's domain. We all have them. It's our personal sphere of influence.

 If you own your own house, you have dominion to rule over that house and determine what you will allow and what you will forbid, in that house. You also have the right to protect your loved ones and property with whatever means you deem necessary if someone seeks to harm or deprive you of your personal property, freedom and loved ones.

 Your sphere of influence would also include vehicles, businesses and your interaction with others. If you come to my house, You to abide by my rules. If I come to your house, I abide by your rules, and if we meet on the street, there must be a mutual respect, because in many situations there is an overlapping of spheres of influence.

 Over the course of time there occurred an erosion of our personal sovereignty. As government increased, so did corruption and the loss of liberty. High taxes and more regulations increased the probability of the mishandling of our money. It is easier to skim off of 50% than it is to skim off of 5%. More regulations make it more tempting to cheat. If you own a business and you have high taxes and strict regulations, it becomes more tempting to bribe crooked politicians and get involved in money laundering in order to stay in business.

 That is why they say that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This does not have to be the case. You have heard that two heads are better than one. The same principle is applied to freedom. Millions of heads are better than a few bureaucrats that seek control. We all have individual gifts, talents and ideas. That is how America has gotten so great to begin with. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights was based on the liberty and creativity of We The People, not a tyrannical government.

You may have heard certain expressions such as "Drain the Swamp" and "Deep State".

 The Deep State is our intelligence agencies that have gone rogue, and the Swamp is our career politicians that serve their own interests rather than the tax payers that they are payed to represent. These corrupt organizations have been in power for longer than we have been alive. They control government, media, Hollywood and the education system.

Prior to the internet, We The People had no means to recover our freedom or even get around the mass brainwashing propaganda of a corrupt, power hungry system of controllers. Their control was implemented through payoffs, blackmail and threat of death to those and their loved ones, plus many other ways to destroy your life and reputation if you saught to expose them. There is finally way too much evidence and too many whistle blowers to shrug it off as a conspiracy theory.

 For a long time there has been many insiders with the desire to purge the corruption and fix the system, but it would take a concerted effort to expose the corruption and hold the guilty party accountable.

 They needed an outsider in the White House that would fight for our national sovereignty and personal freedom, rather than just another globalist with
a call for a New World Order.

 That is why Trump gets so much negative publicity. The greatest nation in the world is taking down the greatest criminal empire in the world and you get to witness it. History in the making.

Do you you want to be part of the problem, or part of the solution? Either way, We The People are taking our country back.


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