Fruitfulness of Love

  I encountered a woman that I knew since she was a little girl. I remembered her from hanging out with my two little sisters . She was drunk, miserable and destitute. I gave her a hug and said," I know what you need, but we won't talk about it right now". The next day I witnessed to her and a week later she died of a heart attack. She was only 40 years old. When I went to the showing I saw that she had a 16 year old daughter. She was a cute little thing and she looked like her mother when she was that age. She was crying and softly saying,"Mom wake up". My heart was crushed. I was staying at the YMCA at the time, and when I got back to my room I opened my Bible. The verse that I opened to was in the Laws of Moses. It said, "Don't boil a goat in it's mother's milk". Exodus 23:19. I immediately knew the spiritual mystery of what that passage represented.

 Boiling a goat in it's mother's milk is discipling someone in evil. Jesus spoke of separating the sheep from the goats which meant believers and unbelievers. Daniel saw a goat in one of his visions which represented Greece. The greeks worshipped gods of greek mythology. Baphomet has a goats head, which is represented in withchcraft and satanism. Milk represents the basic principles of discipleship. The Word of God is referred to as milk, bread and meat. The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:2, as new born babes in Christ, desire the sinscere milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby.

 I was reminded of a mother and son that I know. The mother's father was a gambler and her mother was a golddigger. She was raised in institutions and foster care, and emancipated at 14 years old and raised herself on the streets. She became very devious as a result. She became a single mother at 18 and was never taught how a mother should raise a child. She instilled her deviousness into her son because that was the only survival skills that she knew.

 I thought, "She didn't just feed it to him, she baptised him in it"! I immediately heard John the Baptist, "There's one coming after me that will baptise you with the Holy Ghost and fire!". Matthew 3:11. I saw someone baptised in oil and set on fire!!

 The Holy Spirit showed me that when I hugged the first woman (that had passed soon afterwards) that she was engulfed in the fire, and the love of God purged her heart and provided a soft spot for the Word of God to take root in her heart, and faith sprang forth. He said,"I took her she's with me". That set off a revelation whereby I was in visions for two weeks!! He would wake me up out of a dead sleep, right on the hour, with His voice real loud and indescribably beautiful visions! I would wake up, look at my clock, and it would be a number and two zeros. One time He woke me up at 4:30, but every other time it would be right on the hour. The times would vary, but it would be right on the hour. I wasn't in a trance. I could see in the natural, but I was seeing beautiful visions at the same time. At times I was practically oblivious to what I could see in the natural. I was like a robot. God would say things like,"Go get on the bus. Your soda is over there. You have a candy bar in your right pocket". Me:"Yes Lord". There were times at work when the shift was ending and I would just stop working and the end of the line would come and I had made up the exact amount without counting.
 At the time I was in a homeless program at the YMCA. The lady that died was in the same program. The office for the program was right across the hall from my room. I thought that the staff would like to know that God said, "I took her, she's with me". The case manager was a Christian, but I knew that he had some doctrinal issues. I lent him a Christian book that was really good, but he just got a few pages into it be before it violated his religious beliefs and he gave it back. I decided to tell him about the lady, but I was very mindful of my spirit to see if the Holy Spirt was going to lead me not to tell him. I went across the hall and sat in the chair in the little office without getting a check in my spirit. I told him what God had said, and when I got to the part were He said, "I took her, she's with me", I was almost in tears. He said, "Do you believe that?", and he jumped up and started preaching how you have to sweat and toil and struggle and worry and be a good person and hope you make it (I'm paraphrasing), you have to be baptised and on, and on. Finally I said that I had to make a phone call to see if I could get a ride to work in morning or take a bus. "Ok, God bless you, have a nice day". "Ya, you too". When I woke up in the morning I was extremely upset about the conversation the night before. When I was in the shower I went into another vision. It was as if I was standing in the hall, looking into the little office room and I could see myself sitting in the chair. The case worker was standing up preaching and it looked like coal dust was coming out of his mouth! It formed a cloud that almost filled the little office room. A piece of the cloud came toward my face and went into my nostrils. God said, "Let not your heart be troubled!", and I saw troubled water with that black stuff churning around in it. Later on my neighbor asked me if I thought the case worker was called to preach. I said after what I saw I don't think he was called to even open his mouth. I have a neice that knew the daughter of the woman that had died. I ran into my neice who had another girl with her at a gas station. I told my neice and the other girl what God had shown me. The other girl said, "I wouldn't have thought that she went to heaven, because of the life that she lead". I said, "God does't put His power in people that deserve it. He puts it in people that believe it"

 The revelation was on the "Fruitfulness of Love", and He said, "I want you to teach my people how to walk in Love".

 He said,"People struggle with faith, because they are trying to believe with their minds. It's not a mental concept, it's a spiritual conception. Just like when conception occurrs in the womb of a mother, it ocurrs in her body before it's revealed to her mind. But once she gets the revelation of that conception, that child is just as real to her before it is born as it is afterwards. It's the same with faith. The church is the Bride of Christ. When you love God with all of your heart, through your intimacy with Him in private worship, He reveals Himself to you and impregnates your heart with His love. The seed of the Word is concieved by the Spirit and faith springs forth, He reveals His plan. So what He is going to do is just as real before it occurrs as it is afterwards because faith is the gestation period before the birth of a miracle".
 He showed me His eternal Godhead, how we are little creators created in His image, that creation and procreation both work along the same basic principle of a seed being concieved, He showed me the baptism of fire, faith, the sons of God, the bride of Christ, seedtime and harvest, reaping what you sow, the Temple etc.etc...

 Eventually I said, "Solomon was the wisest man". He said, "I am the wisest Spirit!". So I read where Solomon was given wisdom. It said, "Solomon was given wisdom to administer justice". I read the story a second time and when I got to that part He spoke again, He said, "Solomon was given wisdom to administer justice, you've been given wisdom to administer the 'Fruitfulness of Love'". That doesn't mean that I was given as much wisdom as Solomon. It simply means that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of infinite wisdom and that He gives you wisdom to administer in whatever capacity that it is that you are called to serve.
 When Adam fell, the curse that came on Adam pertained to sowing and reaping. God said that the ground would put forth thorns and thistles and he would eat his bread by the sweat of his brow. Because Eve was a conceiver, the curse that came on her pertained to fruit baring. He said that child baring would be greavous. The curse that came on the Serpent was that He would put enmity between his seed and her seed. That Satan would bruise His heal, But Christ would crush his head. In the natural it was a prophesy of Christ coming in the flesh. A bruised heal is temporary, but a crushed head is permanent. In the spirit it pertained to truth verses lies. Satan is the father of lies and lies are his seed. This enmity (strife) would manifest in the first two sons, Cane and Abel. The religious one killed the righeous one. And so it is until this day. Jesus told His disciples that people will think that they are doing God a service by killing them. Jesus called the Pharisees snakes and said that their father was the devil.

 In the woods in Kentucky in 1987 I had a vision of myself standing next to my angel. I was wearing a robe and the angel poured a pitcher of blood over me. It looked like about three pound tadpoles that were alive and wiggling that was washed away when the blood ran down and the robe became bright white. Then the angel poured oil over me and as the oil ran down I became invisible. I knew that the blood represented the blood of Christ, I knew the oil represented the anointing, and that becoming invisible meant that the people would see the glory of God, instead of me. But I could only speculate as to what the tadpole looking things were. Eighteen years later in the revelation the Holy Spirit said, "The seed that was sown into you was a mixture, and every untruth is a seed of darkness". Then I finally knew what the tadpole looking things were. They were the lies that I was told by the church I grew up in. One in particular was that they taught that you weren't saved until you receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues. I was born again when I was four years old but I didn't speak in tongues until I was 14 years old. So for the first 10 years of my born again life in God, I was told that I wasn't saved and that if Jesus were to come back that I would burn in hell for eternity and hell is ten times hotter than the fire on your stove. That's a heavy wrap for a small child. One day when I was a kid, there was an overcast day with a break in the clouds. There were sun rays shining through the break in the clouds and it looked glorious. I got really scared because I thought if Jesus were to come back right then that I would burn in hell for eternity, and hell is ten times hotter than the fire on your stove. In the revelation He took me back to that time and comforted that scared child.

                                                                  The Baptism of Fire

 The first thing I saw was the baptism of fire. I saw someone baptised in oil and set on fire. He showed me that when I gave that woman a hug, she was engulfed in the fire. He showed me that we are lambs and that we are burnt offerings, and He took me to the burning bush.

 Oil represents the anointing, or in other words, fuel for the fire. In the Old Testament when someone was anointed as Priest, Prophet or King, they would pour oil over their head to represent the enduement of power to operate in that particular office. Jesus gave a parable of wise virgins keeping their lamps full. He said that you are the light of the world, a city set upon a hill, and not to keep your light under a bushel. Christ or Messiah means Anointed King. Christian means Christlike. The gospel, or in other words good news, is that it's not just about Christ crucified, but Christ muliplied. He was not only our sacrifice, but our example as well. He was the example of how a mortal man can be led by the Holy Spirit, operate under the power of the Holy Spirit and manifest the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Not in some future age, not when He comes back, but now! That doesn't take away from His divinity, He was still God manifested in the flesh. He said, "When you've seen me you've seen the Father, I only do what I see my Father do". Christ was the Word of God made flesh, Adam was dirt made flesh. I will elaborate more on that when I discuss the Godhead and the sons of God.
 Jesus said, "The works that I do, you can do, and greater works than these you will do, because I go to the Father".
 Jesus told His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they receive the promise of the Father. He said that the "Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth that will lead you into all truth", and "when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be endued with power from on high and you will be my witnesses". Far too many attempt to be a witness of the gospel without the fire of God.
 I saw that we are lambs and that we are burnt offerings. Romans 12:1 says to present your body a living sacrifice. The fire of the anointed Word in our spirit cooks the sin that is concieved in our flesh, the anointing that is upon us makes us the "light of the world", and the sweet smelling savour is our praise and worship. Frozen or raw meat isn't appetizing until you put some fire to it. Nuclear power is released by splitting atoms, fire power is the result of splitting molecules. It can be destructive or creative by changing one form of matter into another. A miracle is supernatural intervention in the natural world. Supernatural means above the natural, so it is operating under a higher law of physics. He showed me how to work a creative miracle by a simple act of obedience and a spoken Word. I will elaborate more on that when we talk about how creation works.
 The anointing is the spiritual substance created by the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is the Hebrew word Kabod, Kavod, or Chabod and translated as the word glory. Ichabod means the "glory has left". When the arc of the covenant was captured by the Phillistines, the high priest Eli had a daughter in law that gave birth to a son and said, "Call his name Ichabod". Ichabod Crain was also a character in the novel "Sleepy Hollow". Chabod or glory is the substance that miracles are made of. God's glory is revealed when needs are met.
 Our human spirit can also creates the substance of glory. Prayer, praise, and the anointed spoken Word, are substances that can be contained in the spirit realm. In the book of Revelation, John said that he saw an angel take a container filled with the prayers of the people, mix it with coals from the alter, and throw it back on the earth. God's glory is produced by His presence, our glory is produced by our presence. Paul wrote that a womans hair is her glory, her hair is produced by the presence of her scalp. When you are in prayer, praise or worship, you are not just communicating, you are creating a substance.
 God inhabits the praises of His people and worship is our response to His presense. Isaiah 57:19 speaks of creating praise, or creating the fruit of the lips. When we worship God we create a substance that gives Him glory, and His presence reveals the manifestation of His glory. So worship is a glory exchange, and the substance of Gods glory is the anointing. The anointing is the type and measurement of glory that is manifesting in someone's life, ministry, or revival and revival can be personal, corporate, or geographical. On the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, the disciples experienced atmospheric revival. Isaiah 64 says, "Oh that you would rend(tear) the heavens and come down, that the mountains might shake at your presence". That prophesy was refering to God ripping through the barrier that separates His glory realm, and pouring His resurrection power back into the fallen physical realm and restoring creation back to the lush fruitful condition it was in in the garden before the fall. When Peter quoted the prophet Joel, he said, "In the last days, saith God, I will pour OUT OF my Spirit on all flesh". That is, that when atmospheric revival occurrs, God pours glory OUT OF His Spirit and people encounter the glory of His presence. 
That is why people ask, "What must I do to be saved?", because they are already experiencing the glory of His presence.
 God braught me to the Burning Bush. It was really cool because He made a big production out of it. He said, "Here's a creature. Birthed out of the dust of the earth. Endued with power from on high. The fire of God to be an oracle. You are the bush!" (I'm the bush?) "To instruct the Lawgiver!"
 The Burning Bush is a type and shadow of the apostolic anointing to prophesy to kings. There were many apostles in the Old Testament, but they weren't called apostles because the word apostle was derived from a greek word that meant "a sent one". Joseph and Moses were sent to Pharaoh. Daniel was sent to the kings of Babylon and Persia. Just about every major individual in the Bible was sent to speak to kings with major history changing results. Moses was the Lawgiver and the bush told him how to deliver God's people from oppression. Going all the way back to the Tower of Babel, God opposed the centralisation of power. He confounded their languages and scattered them over the face of the earth. When the Israelites asked God for a king, He said, "I'm your King". They insisted until God gave them a king and from then on they were at the mercy of a king that had a huge affect on their freedom, prosperity and victory. If they had a righteous king they prospered, and if they had an unrighteous king they suffered, until the promised messiah would come and set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. But people have a tendency to crucify the answer to their prayers, which is why we desperately need discernment so we don't miss our day of visitation. When God called me to the ministry He said, "You will go before the kingdoms of the world and you will prove that I am real".
 Daniel chapter 2 tells about Daniel interpreting a dream for Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. He saw a great image of a man with a gold head that represented Babylon, silver chest and arms that represented Persia, a bronze mid section that was Greece, iron legs was Rome and feet of a mixture of iron and clay. A stone was cut out of the mountain without human hands that smashed the feet of the image. The entire image fell and the stone filled the Earth. A mountain represents a kingdom and the stone was Christ. The Stone that the builders rejected. Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven was likened unto a mustard seed and leaven. A little leaven leavens the whole lump and a mustard seed starts out real small and become a great creature. Christ was the mustard seed. The firstborn among many brethren. The patriarch. The seed became a family, the family became a clan, the clan became a nation, and the nation became the last empire. It is time for the empire of the Kingdom of Heaven to infiltrate and occupy the Kingdoms of the world. What?, you were looking for a tre-trib rapture?, sorry be we still have a lot of work to do. If you want to know the sign of the times look at how much the Kingdom of Heaven reigns over the kingdoms of the world. Jesus said to make disciples of all nations, not individuals of various nationalities. We get to take an active part in letting God's Kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We bring the heavenly solutions to worldly problems. We are told to pray for kings and all that are in authority that we may live peaceable lives. The kingdoms of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ, and He will rule forever.Revelation 11:15 Our ministry is not limited to evangelism. Joseph saved Egypt and Israel from famine. Moses told Pharaoh, "Let my people go". Esther became the Queen of Persia to save the Jews. Daniel prophesied to the kings of Babylon and Persia. God called Cyrus His anointed with the mandate to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and he was a heathen persian. Samuel was a prophet that anointed kings Saul and David and they looked to him as a father figure. Jesus told His disciples that when they went before rulers not to worry about what to say because the Holy Spirit will tell them what to say in that same hour. Back then they got this opportunity by getting arrested. Now days you can run for office. Wouldn't it be a whole lot more practical to reign in righteousness than to pray that an ungodly ruler make godly descisions. The difference between revival and reformation is that reformation affects the culture. The reformation of our generation will be greater than the protestant reformation.

                                                                        The Godhead
 God made man in His image and likeness. It takes a spirit, a mind, and a body to have one complete man. If he was a spirit without a body, he would be invisible. If he was a body without a spirit, he would be dead. And if he didn't have a mind he couldn't function. 
 The Father is the heart of God that wills it, the Holy Spirit is the mind of God that conceives it, and Christ is the Word made flesh. Christ was the Word that came out of the Father, that became the Temple that the Father was in. Jesus said, "When you've seen me you've seen the Father". Christ is the express image of the invisible God, like your flesh is the express image of your invisible spirit. Christ is the Word of God, which is the Seed of God, which is the Son of God. Jesus gave a parable of the sower sowing the Word and Paul wrote of the Fruit of the Spirit, which is the Christlike nature.
 Creation and procreation both work along the same basic principle of a seed being conceived. The Father sows the Word, the Holy Spirit concieves the Word, and Christ is the Word. Christ and the Holy Spirit are one in the same. The only difference is that Christ is the anointed Word, which is the Word with the Spirit on it, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, which is the Spirit with Truth in it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. When the Seed of the Word is conceived by the Spirit, creation occurrs. So just like when a child is conceived, the seed of the father is conceived in an egg from the mothers ovary. The Word is like the spirm and the Spirit is like the egg. You have Christ in you when you are born again. You have the Holy Spirit on you when you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Christ in you bares the fruit of the Spirit in you and The baptism of the Holy Spirit bares the the gifts of the Spirit out of you. Being born again gives you the power to live a victorious life and the baptism of the Holy Spirit gives you the power to Advance the Kingdom of Heaven in the Earth by ministering to others by way of demonstrations of the Spirit. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that he didn't come with enticing words of mans wisdom, but with the demonstration of the Spirit and power.
 At the time that I was receiving the revelation I was working at a packaging company. I was thinking about the gifts, administrations and operations that Paul wrote about in 1 Corinthians 12. I was thinking, "I like that word operations", because some translations use the word works. He said, "Yah, operations, like operating heavy equipment". And I saw a little tiny man on a humungus bulldozer! I thought, "Yah, we'll get the mountain moved with that!!".
 My dad told me that the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, burning bush, or whatever, were just different ways that God manifested. That is true, but it is a simplistic way of understanding God without explaining why the Father, Son and Holy Spirit speak to and about each other in the third person. If it was your hearts desire to build a house for instance, your heart would tell your mind, "I want to build a house". Your mind would conceive a plan as to the design and materials used. Your mind would in turn tell your body to get to work to impliment the plan. That is similar to how the Godhead functions. The Father, the heart of God, sows the Word into the mind of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit conceieves the Word and give birth to it. Jesus didn't descend from Joseph or Mary either one. He was the Word of the Father that was conceived in the womb of Mary by the Holy Ghost. Even though He was eternally with the Father He was created in Mary's womb. Even though He refered to Himself as the son of man, He did't descend from a man and didn't inherit the sin virus. His blood was pure because He was begotten of God and born of the Spirit. It is the same with us when we become a new creature in Christ. Generational curses are broken in Christ, but God's provision must be accessed by faith. Provision means to see ahead. God provided everything we will ever need. Salvation, healing, deliverance, prosperity, wisdom, you name it, if you need it, He has already provided it. He told me, "Ask no man for anything ever". I was like, ok? At the time I was staying in a homeless program at the WMCA. I would be standing at the bus stop without a dollar in my pocket to get to work. I would be thinking, "this will be interresting to see how He pulls this one off". Somehow He would either get me on the bus, or someone would pull up, "Hay Ty, you need a ride somewhere?".
 My room was right accross the hall from the office and I could always hear when someone was snitching on someone. One day they were passing out bus tokens and I was wondering if God was going to lay it on their heart to ask me if I needed any. He said, "It's already been provided". So the second word He gave me brought ballance to the first word. If I'm sitting at a table it's ok for me to ask to pass the potatoes. Pro-vision has been pro-vided because you were in His pro-video.

 Creation occurrs when the seed of the Word is conceived by the Spirit. A conceiver supplies everything the seed needs to grow, develope, and mature. The glory produced by the presence of the Holy Spirit is the nourishment that the Word needs to develope. It's not true that creation is making something out of nothing. Visible things are made out of invisible things. God told me, "The day will come when you will speak the word and it will happen". Creative miracles are coming and He showed me how to work them. It is very easy, He will give you a simple act of obedience and a word, when you speak the word He will demonstrate His power. The Holy Spirit will come upon that word and conceive it, develope it, birth it, create it. In the creation story it says that the Spirit of God hovered over the waters and God said, "Let there be light!". When the Father spoke the seed of the Word, the Holy Spirit conceived the Word and light was born. That light was spiritual revelation. The sun, moon, and stars wasn't created until the fourth day(whether you take the story literally or figuratively). He also made seed baring herbs, fruit baring trees, and various creatures whereby every seed produces after it's own kind. Romans 1 says that God expressed Himself as creator by what He created. Nature expresses creation in many ways. There is a sower, a conceiver and a seed, every time nature expresses creation by way of procreation. A farmer sows the seed and the ground conceives the seed. When the anointed Word(which is the Seed of the Word with he Spirit on it) is sown into the heart of an unbeliever, the Spirit conceives the Word and faith springs forth. James 1:15 says that when lust is conceived it brings forth sin, when sin is finished(fully developed) it brings forth death. Brings forth means gives birth to. The opposite principle is that when the love of God is conceived it brings forth faith, and when faith is finished, it brings forth life. In greek the word for the love of God is agape and the word for the life of God is zoe. Greek has a variety of words for love, but the greek word for the love of God agape means no separation. Prefix (a) means without, and suffix (gape) means separation. Romans 8:39 says that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Once conception occurrs, nothing can separate a seed from an egg because the two become one. When conception occurrs in the womb of a mother the fetus becomes a living creature. Hebrews 11 says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. God is love. His Word is love and His Spirit is love. When the Word of Love and the Spirit of Love become one, the substance of faith is conceived, which is born, which is created. When the substance of faith is created, is it the evidence of the thing hoped for. Faith is the gestation period before the birth of a miracle. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that if anyone be in Christ they are a new creature. Jesus told Nichodemus that you must be born again. That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit . Born of the water means born of the flesh. Some believe that born of the water pertains to water baptism, but I will elaborate on that when I discuss what God showed me pertaining to water baptism. Someone is born of the water when they are born of the flesh. They are sown in water, conceived in water, developed in water, the water breaks and they are born a natural child. Someone is born again when they are begotten of the Word and born of the Spirit. When the substance of faith brings them to the brink of the new birth, they speak the Word that was conceived in their heart. Romans 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth the lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. With the heart one believes unto righteousnes and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. It is faith gone to seed. If anyone be in Christ they are a new creature, old things pass away, behold all things become new. Metamorphosis is another way that creation expresses the creator. When a caterpillar enters a cacoon and is transformed into a butterfly, it is speaking of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Jesus said, "Not unless a seed falls to the ground and dies will it spring up and bare much fruit. Through the death, burial and resurrection of Word of God made flesh, the seed of the Word was scattered to recreate multiple sons of God.

                                                                         Born Again
 Romans 8:1 says that there is no condemnation in Christ. If a person is condemned, they are sentenced to a death penalty. If a building is condemned, it is declared uninhabitable. You are both spiritually dead and uninhabitable prior to the new birth. The wages of sin is death. We are dead in our trespasses and sins until the resurrection power of God restores us to new life in the Spirit. 1 Corintians 2 says that the natural man recieves not the things of the Spirit, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. Because their spirit is in a state of death, their spiritual sences don't function. 
 The magnitude of the resurrection is that God didn't just raise Christ from the dead, but He raised fallen creation and everyone that would ever be born again in Christ when He raised Him From the dead. Be fruitful and multiply was such a powerful blessing that it is still occuring thousands of years later and the resurrection of Christ is so powerful that it will cause the restoration of all things. Be fruitful and multiply is so powerful that people use contraception in an attempt to stop it. Once your spirit becomes a new creature your temple becomes inhabitable and God moves in and your spirit and His Spirit become one and you recieve His eternal life! You pass from death unto life and you can discern spiritual things because your spirit is no longer in a state of death.
 When you are begotten of the Word and born of the Spirit, you become a first generation direct descendant of God! In the Spirit there is neither male nor female. We are only male and female in our flesh. Both men and women are sons of God and both men and women are the Bride of Christ. If you are a woman that is anointed to preach, if someone has a problem with it you can tell them that you are a son of God and they are in the flesh. Just like a tree that is birth out of the dust of the earth, we grow and develope and bare fruit. Being born again isn't the end result of salvation, it is the begining of a new life in Christ. The purpose of every creature is maturity and fruitful multiplication. To be carnally minded is death, but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace. If you sow to the flesh you reap corruption, but if you sow to the Spirit you reap life everlasting. Sowing to the flesh doesn't pertain to nature, it pertains to selfishness that is contrary to nature and spirituality. Lust takes, love gives. Jesus said that they that are of the Spirit, out of their bellys will flow rivers of living water. Selfish people have their flow backwards. Spring water is refreshing, drain water stinks. 1 Corinthians 13 shows how love is more important than gifts. Baring the fruit of the Spirit is demonstrating the Christlike nature. As you grow in your relationship with God you begin to like the things that He likes, hate the things He hates, and do the things He does. We have two commandments. Love God with all of your heart, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. We don't have to rely on our own ability to love our neighbor because we are one with God. God created your neighbor, Jesus died for your neighbor, and they are a temple for God to dwell in just like you. The Temple is another fasinating topic, but for now let's focus on baring the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. The difference between a fruit and a vegetable is that a fruit contains seed and a vegetable does not. Adams's son Cane offered vegetables to God as an offering and his sacrifice was unacceptable. Religious service is not what God desires, but a fruit baring intimate relationship. The fruit protects the seed. The fruit of the Spirit are all various facets of the Love of God. As the Bride of Christ, we are the conceivers of His Word and the barers of His fruit. So striving to be a good person is eliminated because it is His power working in us and expressing Himself through us. It's about Him. He did it, He is doing it, and He will continue to do it.

                                                                        Water Baptism

 For water baptism He showed me, washing the blood and water off of the baby immediately after it was born again. I thought, "I've never even heard of anything like that before". Water baptism is taking the newly born again son of God and presenting it to the Bride of Christ For nursing. Basically water babtism is submission to discipleship. At the time of John the baptist, a rabbi, which means teacher, would need to be 30 years old. If someone desired to be their disciple, which means student, they would have the rabbi baptize them to show their submission to that rabbi's teachings. It speaks of the washing of the water of the Word. When you are dead, burried, and resurrected into a new life in Christ, you need to have your mind renewed. There are actually three baptisms, the baptism of blood, the baptism of water, and the baptism of fire.
 Jesus said that there was a baptism that He had to be baptised with and that He was grieved that it hadn't happened yet. The baptism that He was refering to was the baptism of blood. He had already been baptised by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit had already descended upon Him like a dove. But He had yet one more baptism that He needed to be baptised with and that was the baptism of blood, the crucifiction. When we confess Him as Lord, the blood of Jesus washes away our sin and frees us from the captivity thereof. Similar to being freed from the captivity of the womb, or a butterfly free from a cacoon, we are free to live a new resurrected life in Christ.
 As an open display of our faith and our willingness to be a disciple we get water baptised. Not to get saved, but because we are saved. The baptism of blood is our submission to the discipleship of Christ, the baptism of water is our submission to the discipeship of the five fold ministery(Apostle,Prophet,Pastor,Evandelist and Teacher), and the baptism of fire is our submission to the discipleship of the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus himself had to become what it was that He was to become. The Bible says that He waxed strong in strength and wisdom. He became. Christ had to get the revelation of who and what He was, just like we need to get the revelation of who and what we are. Christ or Messiah means the anointed King. He had to depend on the anointing of the Holy Spirit, just like we do. We need to learn to develope our spiritual sences. Our born again spirit has the same five sences as our physical body. When we learn to walk by faith and not by sight, we can do supernatural exploits just like Jesus did. There is no such thing as blind faith. Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father do. We can learn how to see what the Father is doing and funtion in the supernatural realm, in cooperation with Him. I used to hear people talk about being so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. A person like that would be a flake, because we are called to bring heavenly solutions to worldly problems. You are seated in Heavenly places in Christ. Your born again spirit is in Heaven right now. One time the Lord said to me, "You must reign from the third dimension". There are three dimensions,realms,kingdoms, or heavens. These are different words used to describe the same thing. Paul said that he knew a man that was caught up to see the third heaven. Jesus said to pray to the Father, "Let your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven". We can take an active part in the answer to that prayer. We similtainiously dwell in three dimensions at the same time. Your body dwells in the physical dimension. Your mind dwells in the mental dimension, or second heaven. And your spirit dwells in the eternal, heavenly, spiritual dimension. Some Christians don't believe that a Christian can have a demon. A spirit of infirmity can attack your physical body. An oppressive spirit can attack your mind, the Spirit of God dwells in your born again spirit. Only your spirit man is a new creature in Christ. Your flesh still stinks and your mind is a battlefield. In order to reign from the third dimention your spirit has to rule as king, your mind has to be a servant and your flesh has to be a slave, a living sacrifice. The tree baptisms pertain to the three parts of your being. The baptism of blood washes away the sins of the flesh, the baptism of water pertains to the washing of the water of the Word over your mind and the baptism of fire gives you power over all three realms.
                                                                     The Bride of Christ
 When a man takes a wife the two become one flesh. When God takes a wife the two become one spirit. Through the intimacy of that oneness, seed is sown and fruit is born. Worship is spiritual intimacy. Previously I wrote about the glory exchange that occurrs during worship. A man once asked me, "How come the Bible is so hard to understand?". I said, "Because God only reveals Himself to His Bride". The mysteries are reserved for those that are in a covenant relationship with Him and desire to spend some quality time in His presence. The glory produced by His presence is what feeds the Word that is sown into us. The conceiver supplies everything that the seed needs to grow, develope and bare fruit. In Ezekiel God said that He will take out your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. When you become a new creature in Christ you receive a new heart. A heart of stone is a cold, insensitive heart. When the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they couldn't enter into the promise land because of hard hearts of unbelief. When they heard the gospel, they couldn't enter in because of hard hearts of unbelief. The heart of flesh portrayed in Ezekiel pertained to a warm heart full of life and sensitivity. In other words discernment. Your spiritual sensitivity wanes when you harden your heart and stiffen your neck and rebel against the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am guilty of doing that. For two months after coming out of the revelation I was supersensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I quit setting my alarm clock because He would wake me up, tell me where to go, what to do, who to talk to, and what to say. Everything I did prospered because He was doing it through me. But eventually I let my flesh talk me out of obeying. I'm tired, it's cold out, I have to work tomorrow. Finally one day I stopped listening and I've been kicking myself ever since. I would tell myself, "That was God talking to you, you idiot! You don't know what you are doing!" But He has always been there blessing me. And I am sure that my discernment will be restored to what it once was. He will never leave you or forsake you.
 God called Israel His adultress wife because she worshipped other gods. He is a jealous God and He admits it. He is not jealous of you, He is jealous over you. Hosea was told to marry a prostitute to illustrate how Israel was prostituting herself with pagan gods. The book of Revelation speaks of the Whore of Babylon.
 These things show the vital necessity of spending time alone with God. I was born again when I was alone. I received the call to the ministery when I was alone. And I received this revelation when I was alone. The Bible says not to forsake the assembling of yourselves together. But you need to spend quality time with your spouse if you want a prosperous marriage. That was Israel's problem. They had a relationship with Moses instead of a relationship with God. Shortly before the revelation I read a book by Henry Blackaby called Experiencing God. I ask the Lord, "How can I know you more?". He took me to Genesis where it said that Adam knew Eve and she conceived. The Bible word know means to be intimate with. If Adam knew Eve and she conceived they did more than shake hands and go out for coffee. A minister's job is to simply introduce people to God and coach them until they develope their own personal relationship with God through Christ. What marriage would bare fruit if the only contact that they had was through a courier. The Bible says to know Him in the fellowship of His sufferings and the power of His resurrection. Ezekiel 16 tells a story of God finding Israel in a field when she was a baby. She grew, developed and matured. He decked her out with every precious thing but she became a whore that ran after her lovers.

 The Bride of Christ gives birth to the Sons of God. Just like it takes a natural mother to give birth to a natural child, the Bride of Christ travails and gives birth to the Sons of God. It is an anointing that comes upon an intercessor to provide a means for the Sons of God to be born again. Paul wrote in Galatians 4:19 "My little children of whom I travail in birth again that Christ be formed in you. In 1988 my mother and I were in a little town in Kentucky, knocking on doors to invite people to a little storefront church. We didn't know it, but we went right to a street with a strip of apartments where afflicted people were housed, doctors and nurses would come to treat patients in these apartments, rather than in a nursing home. We would knock on the door and ask them if they wanted to go to church, but they would say, "Oh, we would love to..." and then they would name their various afflictions. We would ask them if they would like us to pray for them and they would invite us in. I was concerned that there were so many sick people before someone explained what this place was. There was one lady in particular that concerned me because I spoke to her for about an hour and she said she would get saves "some day". I was thinking "Lady, you're old, you may not have another day". That night when I was deep in prayer I discovered what it was to take on someone's burden in the spirit. I started to have violent groanings and travailings in the spirit, and even contractions! I knew it was the Holy Spirit and whatever He wanted to do was cool with me, but I didn't understand it. It made me appreciate being a man, because I wouldn't want to have to do that in the flesh. The next day I told my mother that it was like I gave birth in the spirit. She said, "That doesn't sound like prayer". I said, "true, but there are other ways of communicating than just speaking". She said, "That's true". 
 I began groaning and travailing on a regular basis. I had heard of it before, but I assumed that it was crying like what occurred quite often in church when someone felt the presence of God. This was violent. One time we were at a ministerial headquarters, taking a tour that explained the history of that particular denomination when travail came upon me. I went out and crawled into the back of my mother's van. When she got done with the presentation and got into the van, I got in the passenger's seat, but I wasn't finished yet. We pulled up to a stop light and a girl pulled up next to us and I let out a wail that must have scared that poor girl half to death. It wasn't until about three months after it started to occurr that I finally had some scripture that explained what was happening. I was traveling with an evangelistic team when somene on the team said, "That's what happened, you gave birth in the spirit!". He had a book that was written by a man that had similar experiences and gave examples in the Bible when Jesus and Paul did the same thing. In Romans 8 Paul wrote about how the whole creation groans and travails, waiting to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God. And not only they but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit do groan within ourselves, because our born again spirit has to live in this mortal, corruptable body that is prone to sin. Our born again spirit groans for the glorified body that our spirit waits for. When Jesus was about to raise Lazarus from the dead, it says that He groaned in His Spirit and was troubled. The people thaught that He was mourning His friend, but He wasn't mourning His death, He was birthing His resurrection.
 We were at a church in Georgia that had about 25 children in the choir. Travail came on me and all of the childern were baptised in the Holy Spirit at the same time! At a church in North Carolina the Fear of the Lord came in and everyone was on their faces crying out to God. I was walking around groaning in the Spirit. The Pastor came up to me and put his arm around my neck and started prophesing. The Holy Spirit said, "My son, this is a small example of the fruits of your prayer life".
 I was born again when I was four years old and received the call to the ministry in the woods in Kentucky when I was 27 years old. I was in the ministry for a few years in the late '80's and early '90's and then there was a long time where I minstered to people one on one for many years. One morning He woke me up and said, "When the Bride discovers she's pregnant, she may share it with her friends that they may rejoice together. But miscarriage occurrs when it's dropped before it's time, before it is developed. Noah went through a type of birth. What would have occurred had they got on the arc before it was completed? Moses had the heart to lead the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. But he got ahead of the plan and took matters into his own hands and only succeeded at saving a Hebrew from a beating. But when the time had come to build the Temple, the command went forth to restrain the people from giving, because they already had more than enough". At another time He said, "Christ learned obedience through what He suffered, Moses learned obedience during 40 years as the son of Pharaoh's daughter, then pondered what He had learned for another 40 years. You had to fall otherwise you would have been burying Egyptians from the pulpit".

                                                                       The Temple

 I was at work and the Holy Spirit said, "Go tell that woman over there she's precious". I didn't know what He was going to say so I added some of my own words, but it was ok and He didn't rebuke me for it. I said, "I wish you could see how precious you are in the eyes of God!". She looked at me like,"what?". I said, "In God's eyes you are more precious than the blood of Jesus, because that's the price He paid for your salvation". She said, "Nobody ever gave me a compliment like that before"(almost like a question and wondering if I was crazy). I said, God says that, "You are precious. You are a diamond in the rough. All diamonds are unique. And God loves uniqueness". As I was walking away He said, "That's what Christ meant when He said the rocks would cry out". Peter says that we are living stones. Christ is the Chief Cornerstone and we are living stones, fitly joined together with Him to be a Temple for God to dwell in. The Chief Cornerstone is the first stone layed of the Temple and it's the stone whereby all other stones are measured and that all other stones line up with. 
 As the husband is the head of the wife, so Christ is the head of the church. This is a great mystery. The great mystery is that Christ is the head of the church, we are the Bride of Christ, which is the Body of Christ, and a body is a Temple. We are members of His body and stones of His Temple. We are one. Before Christ went to the cross He said, "Make them one, like we are one. We will be in them and they will be in us". Way back in the day when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about the minstry, one of the deepest things He ever said to me was the most simplest. He said. "I am in you". Ever since I was a little kid I heard, "Ask Jesus to come into your heart. You are God's eternal dwelling place". But not until He spoke those words did the reality of that hit me. "God lives in me! Everywhere I go, He goes. Maybe I better start taking Him to better places".
 In the revelation He said, "The prosperity message only works for very few because there are gaping holes in it". And I saw a sheet with gaping holes in it. He said, "The prosperity message only works for very few because vague reference is given to the key, preach the key". The key to prosperity is to walk in love. You can sow and reap, but if you aren't walking in love the sheet you wrap your harvest in has gaping holes in it. In Haggai he said, "You sow much but you reap little. You gather it together and I blow it away. You put it in a sack with holes, because you run to your paneled houses while my house lies in ruins". At the time of Haggai they had returned from their Babylonian exile, they began to build the Temple, but years had gone by and they had abandoned the building project. God stirred up the hearts of the people to continue building the Temple and He said, "From the time that the foundation was laid until now you have suffered lack, but now I will bless you".
 Every time in the Bible when a Temple was to be built or rebuilt God prospered them abundantly so that they could build the most magnificient Temple that they could possibly build. When they built the Tabernacle in the wilderness they had left Egypt loaded down with precious materials and God stirred up their hearts to give, the builders came to Moses and said that they had more than enough to build the Temple, and too much! The people had to be commanded to stop giving! When David wanted to build the Temple in Jerusalem God told him that he was a man of war, he had too much blood on his hands and that his son Solomon would build the Temple. David amassed vast amounts of precious metals and told Solomon to add to it and build the most magnificient Temple that he could possibly build.
 Now God is building His Temple out of souls. The purpose of our prosperity is to gather the precious living stones that He is building His Temple/Body out of. Every unique and precious living stone has various gifts, talents, skills and abilities that are necessary for the body to function as a whole. Every member of the body is important. If you have a dismembered member, the rest of the body suffers because of the loss of that member, and the member itself dies because it isn't drawing life from the rest of the body. Take a foot for example. You put it in a sock, shove it in a boot and forget about it. But think how much you would miss it if it wasn't there. Every member is important.
 Christ is the head of the church, the Father is the heart of the church, and the Holy Spirit is the blood of the church. The life is in the blood. Every member of the body has a direct connection to the heart and the brain. The nervous system collects information by way of the physical sences and sends this information to the brain. The brain in turn sends signals to the members that causes an immediate reaction. Medical science discovered that the heart has brain cells as well, it is called the heart brain. The heart can send signals to the brain and the brain will actually obey the heart! The vascular system sends life giving blood to the member so that the member will have the strength to perform the action that was commanded by the brain. Paralysis occurs when something is hindering either the signal from the brain or the blood from the heart. The Son poured out His life blood so the Father could pour out His life giving Spirit. The head of the church is the Word and the life of the church is the Spirit. The book of John starts out saying that in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Christ is the anointed Word.
 Peter said that if this tent were dissolved we have a building in heaven. The Temple in the wilderness was a tabernacle, a portable tent that they could take with them as they wondered in the wilderness. The Temple in Jerusalem was a building. Peter was comparing our temporary, mortal, physical body to a tent and that when it decomposes we have a permanant, immortal, glorified body in heaven.
 The Temple had tree parts and a person has three parts. The outer court had a brazen laver and a brazen alter. The brazen laver was a brass bowl where the priests washed before entering the inner court. The brazen alter was where burnt sacrifices were made. The outer court represents our physical body. The brazen laver speaks of the washing of the water of the Word and the brazen alter pertains to offering your body as a living sacrifice. The inner court, or Holy Place had a table of shewbread and menorah or what you would call a candlestick. The inner court represents the mind. The bread of Life is the Word of God and the candlestick speaks of the illumination of the Spirit, or you could say revelation that makes you spiritually minded. There was also a censer of incense which represents prayer. The third part was the Holy of Holies or Most Holy Place. The Holy of Holies represents the spirit. In the Holy of Holies contained the arc of the covenant. The arc of the covenant cantained a jar of manna, Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets with the ten commandments on them. Above the arc of the covenant was the mercy seat. Above the mercy seat was the shakinah glory, a supernatural fire that never had to be fueled and never went out. The shakinah glory was the presence of God. The Holy of Holies represented the spirit of man and heaven, the place where God's Spirit dwelt. So the tree parts of the Temple represented spirit, mind and body, it also represented heaven, earth, and sea. There is a lot of figurative language in the Bible that can be misunderstood if taken literally. When the Holy Spirit gives you a vision, He says a mouthful with a few words and a symbol. Sea can mean a literal sea, or it can represent a group of people. Heaven and earth can be used figuratively to represent the sky, land and the inhabitants thereof, or it can represent the Holy of Holies(the place where God dwells) and the Holy Place(where priests minister). Isaiah 66:1 Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool. So where could you build a house for me, and where could my resting place be? 2 My hand made all these things and brought them into being, says the Lord. But here is where I will look: to the humble and contrite in spirit, who tremble at my word. God made a new heaven and earth when He established the new covenant. The Holy of Holies was ichabod long before it was destroyed in 70A.D. Now we are His Temple and His glory is in us.
                                                                           Sons of God

 A son of God is directly created by God. Angels and devils are refered to as sons of God. Those that are born again are sons of God. But Christ is THE Son of God. The firstborn among many brethren. The firstborn son was heir to the throne. They were the firstborn son of a king that received a double portion of the inheritance and was the oldest son with the greatest responsibility to lead the next generation. Psalm 2 says You are my Son today I have begotten you. Ask of me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance.
 Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness. Abraham's name meant "Father of many nations". The Pharasees claimed to be sons of Abraham, but Jesus told them that if they were sons of Abraham that they would have Abraham's faith. The Pharasee's accused Jesus of blasphamy because He called God His Father. His response was ,"Doesn't it say in your law that you are gods?". Jesus told them that God would take the Kingdom from them and give it to a nation that would bare the fruit of it. The nation He was refering to was a spiritual nation. He would take the Kingdom from the physical nation and give it to a spiritual nation. We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation. Paul wrote of an allegory in Galatians 4 about Abraham's two wives representing two covenants, one gendering to bondage, the other gendering to freedom. Abraham was old and his wife Sarah was barren. Sarah had a slave girl named Hagar and thought she could have a son and raise the son as her own. Hagar had a son named Ishmael which was a cause of strife between Sarah and Hagar. So Sarah had Abraham cast out the slave girl and her son, then God miraculously gave Sarah a son named Issac. Paul wrote that Ishmael was born after the flesh because they took matters into their own hands. Issac was the promise child that God gave them miraculously. Paul compared Hagar to the Laws of Moses and Sarah to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ishmael represented natural Israel that was born after the flesh. Issac represented the born again sons of God that would be born of the Spirit. Hagar and Ishmael were slaves and Sarah and Issac were free. Paul concluded that we, like Issac was, are the sons of promise.
 Abraham was the father of Issac, Issac was the father of Jacob. God changed Jacob's name to Israel and his sons were the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel. Jacob's favorite son was Joseph.
 Joseph was the seed of Israel that was sown into the womb of Egypt. The seed was conceived when he was joined by the rest of the family. Then Israel developed in the womb of Egypt for 400 years, was delivered by Moses, baptised in the Red Sea, developed in the wilderness and bore fruit in the promise land.
 Moses wrote a song that when Israel became God's adultress wife, that she would provoke God to jealousy by worshiping other gods. God would in turn, provoke Israel to jealousy by revealing Himself to the nations. We are to have an intimate relationship with God that would make a Jew jealous. 
 The greatest thing that God can give you is Himself.

 At the time of this writing I have had visions only twice in my life. When I received the call to the ministry, and when I got this revelation. After two weeks I started to think it was going to be like that from then on. I was thinking "Wow this is cool!", indescribably beautiful visions and all I had to do was think a question and He would tell me the answer. He would tell me things and take me back through them and every time He took me through them it was like wiping something, it would get clearer each time. He would have me quote things along with Him, "it's this,this,this,and this", Me:"this,this,that,and this", "no, it's this,this,this, and this". Some of the things He said were funny like, "Your angel is ten feet tall and bulletproof".I mentioned in the beginning that He would wake me up out of a dead sleep right on the hour. On the last day He woke me up at 2:00a.m. The revelation was on the "Fruitfulness of Love" and He said, "I want you to teach my people how to walk in love". So, in order to teach His love, He had to show me His love. Then I lost it. Up until that time most of what He showed me was Biblical, but that day was personal. 
 Because we are used to conditional love where if someone loves us they must have a good reason. God loves us because that is what He is. It's not what He has or what He does, it's what He is. All those seemingly ironic coincidences, all those symbolic time frames, all those times that it seemed like He wasn't there or wasn't listening. You and your life are His artistic masterpiece. He showed me that my life had to go through a death, burial and resurrection. He showed me people I hurt and how I reaped it a hundred fold. He said, "You are good ground, whatever you sow you reap a hundred fold". I thought, "That explains a lot!, I better start sowing good seed!".
 I mentioned that I lost it after He showed me His love. Well, my mind derailed. I started thinking that it was going to be like that from then on. I thought I knew how Jesus led a sin free life. I thought I could never lust again and that my body was rendered fruitless and the only fruit I could bare was in the Spirit. I was thinking a whole lot of stupid stuff and wasn't used to being held accountable for my thoughts.
 I was thinking this stuff on a bus, on my way to work. When I got off of the bus my entire body was grieved. I said, "What is it Lord?, Tell me what it is and I will confess it!". I heard, "Vane imaginations!Pride!", "oh that stuff, I know that stuff wasn't true". "Vane imaginations!Pride!", and boop, it was gone, "Noooooooo!". And man I went from the most wonderful experience I ever had in my life to the most depressed I ever was in my life. 
 I was working at a long thin table with multi colored metalic shaving cream cans that made me miss the visions that much more. A man just on the other side of the table said, "What's the matter?". I said, "I was in the spirit for two weeks receiving a revelation from God and it ended abruptly because I greaved the Holy Spirit because I got vane imaginations and pride". He said, "Oh that's normal, the mind can only handle so much revelation before you start getting delusions of grandeur". ???????!!!!!!!! "This guy knows what I am going through right now?!". That helped a little. What he said wasn't entirely true. After I questioned his response some time later I realised that what he said wasn't a principle, it was a temptation that we both experienced and didn't handle well. But at the time I was greatful that God had someone right there that knew what it was like. 
 I could hardly wait to get through the day, and went to bed as soon as I got home. When I woke up I was late for church. I asked the guy in the room next to me to pray for me. I just plopped his hand on my shoulder and said, "Just pray whatever God lays on your heart". He said, "Um, Lord, ah, let him know that you haven't taken this gift from him, but it is only temporarily lifted". I didn't realise it at the time but the anointing came back on me very lightly and I decided to just go to church late. As I was walking down the street I heard the Holy Spirit very faint and then He got louder. It was as if He was catching up with me from behind. I heard, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint". And blam. It was as if He caught up with me from behind and came into me with Samson like power and strength. I felt like I could pick up a jawbone and kill a thousand Phillistines! I picked up the pace and came through the doors of the church like yah! I'm here!". The speaker was finishing his testimony and the music ministry got up and I was anointed to sing and dance and I could yell really super loud for the next two weeks!
 Exactly one year later I was broke, I had no job, my car was broke down and I was living in my friends basement. I suddenly(on Thanksgiving) had a four bedroom house with a basement and a garage, two vehicles, a church, a 900$ a week income, medical and dental insurance, a landline, cellphone, digital voice recorder, high speed internet, the house filled up with mattresses, furniture, and I took in homeless people for the next five years.


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