Kingdom Prosperity

 The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "The prosperity message only works for very few because there are gaping holes in it". And I saw a sheet with gaping holes in it. He said, "The prosperity message only works for very few because vague reference is given to the key, preach the key". The key to prosperity is to walk in love. You can sow and reap, but if you aren't walking in love the sheet you wrap your harvest in has gaping holes in it. In Haggai he said, "You sow much but you reap little. You gather it together and I blow it away. You put it in a sack with holes, because you run to your paneled houses while my house lies in ruins". At the time of Haggai they had returned from their Babylonian exile, they began to build the Temple, but years had gone by and they had abandoned the building project. God stirred up the hearts of the people to continue building the Temple and He said, "From the time that the foundation was laid until now you have suffered lack, but now I will bless you".
Every time a temple was built or rebuilt God prospered the people abundantly so that they could build the most magnificent temple that they could build. When the time had come to built the tabernacle in the wilderness, the command went forth to restrain the people from giving because they already had more than enough. When David desired to build the temple in Jerusalem he had acquired mass amounts of precious metals, but God told him that his son Solomon would build His temple. David gave the silver, gold, brass and iron to Solomon and told him to build the most magnificent temple that he could build.

Under the covenant of grace we are the Temple. I was working at a packaging company when the Holy Spirit said," Go tell that woman over there that she is precious". I said, "God says that you are precious. You are a diamond in the rough, all diamonds are unique and God loves uniqueness". As I was walking away He said, "That's what Christ meant when He said the rocks would cry out". Christ is the Chief Cornerstone and we are living stones. We are stones of His Temple and members of His body and a body is a temple.

God is building His Temple out of souls and the purpose of our prosperity is to gather His unique and precious living stones.


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