American Exodus

 American citizens have been cattle, and didn't even know it. The American dollar is not backed by gold or any other commodity, but the back sides of the American people themselves. Our identity was stolen at birth and the original copy of our birth certificate was sold on the securities exchange with the value based on the estimated taxes that we would pay over the course of our lives. The bond matured when the citizen died and the barer of the bond could then redeem the bond with the usury that was accrued over the course of our lives. The Federal Reserve printed paper money that was backed by American slaves. In order to keep the American people in the dark, pertaining to this matter, they baught up all the newspaper companies, the radio stations, television stations and used whatever means necessary to shut the mouths of the informed, because their scheme would not work if this information became common knowledge.
 Thanks to the World Wide Word of mouth or in other words, the internet, this information could no longer be contained and now something can finally be done about it.
 God had to raise up another Moses to tell Pharaoh, "Let my people go!". That is the current condition of the matter. He had to use someone that did not have a political spirit or a religious spirit.
 The entire system needed to be blind sided so they couldn't see it coming. The American people need to be informed and wake up out of their hypnosis, so they understand the transition that we are currently in and all the drastic changes that are being made. But we have an advantage that the people in the Bible didn't have and that is the Bible it's self.  We can see the mistakes that the Israelites made and not be among those that repeat them. It's time to move. We have eaten our Passover Lamb and it's time to march toward Pentecost.


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