Waking Up From The American Dream

 The American Dream was to spend money you did't have, to buy things you didn't need, to impress people that you did't like, and pay interest. Praise God that we are waking up.
 Before the Recession hit I wanted to rent a billboard that said, "The American Dream will become a nightmare unless there is another Great Awakening". 
 Faithful stewardship is to live below your means, so you have money left over to give and invest. Then not only are you not paying interest, but interest is being paid to you. The scales are tipped in your favor and you can raise your standard of living as your money grows exponentially.
 The Blessing, "Be fruitful and multiply" was such a powerful blessing that people use contraception in order to NOT be fruitful and multiply.
 God's principles are so seldom adhered to that they sound ridiculous. Two virgins get married and stay monogamous for life. As ridiculous as that sounds, think of the many problems it would solve. You wouldn't have to worry about S.T.D.s. You wouldn't have step-problems where a parent is favoring their children over the children of their spouse. You couldn't compare their performance in bed with another, because you have no other to compare them to. You wouldn't be as susceptible to a spirit of jealousy, because you know their passionate love for God and their spouse. Their children grow up in an atmosphere of God's love, so they are not looking for love in all the wrong places. They are pillars in their church and community, so they are reaping favor because they are sowing favor. They are not trying to "keep up with the Jones's", so they can love their children above the false image that they portray to the neighbors, and when their children get in trouble they are there to love and instruct them instead of telling them what a disappointment and disgrace they are.
 See, I said it was going to sound fantastic. I could go on , but I think you got the point.


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