
Beneath the pyramid on the dollar bill there are three latin words, novus ordo seclarum. These three words mean New World Order. The Revolutionary War was faught to break off tyranny from Great Britain and King George III and establish a new nation based on principles of freedom. The national seal was originally intended to have Moses on it. The founding fathers that drafted the Constitution were men of faith. Of the 56 men, 54 were
 protestant, one was Catholic and the other was a Jew. The Declaration of Independance was signed in 1776 but the national seal wasn't designed until years later and instead of a Judeo Christian symbal it was the pyramid that you now see on the dollar bill. New World Order globalism was sown early on and was in direct contrast to the concept of a Democratic Constitutional Republic. A Republic is a system whereby the citizens have 
 self governance, elect public servants, have the right to own and defend their own property and buisnesses, pay minimal taxes and engage in open trade with minimal regulations. Globalism is the extreme opposite of a Republic where a privelaged few rule the world. Because of the freedoms afforded to the citizens of the United States in the Constitution and bill of Rights, the people were free to express their God given creativity and innovation in a free market based on competition to produce the best product for the lowest price, this is called capitalism. The "American Dream" was the freedom whereby the poorist person could become rich if they worked hard and managed their money wisely. We became the greatest, richest and most influential superpower in the world. Sadly, not all that got rich did it in a Godly way. The natives were driven off of their land and slavery wasn't abolished immediately as some of the founding fathers desired. We became an empire that policed the world, and the "American Dream" evolved into spending money we didn't have, on junk we didn't need, to impress people we didn't like, and pay interest on it. 
 Socialism crept in on the left, and the Military Industrial Complex and hyper-capitalism took over on the right. Capitalism is good if a buisiness provides the best goods and services at the best price while taking care of your employees and customers. That is why competition is good in a free market, but hyper-capitalism is profits over the needs of the employees and cutting corners, making products that are cheap and unsafe.
 In the Industrial Age, Democrats were union workers on the left, fighting for higher wages and benefits, from corporate fat-cat republicans on the right. When we transitioned from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, things went global. Globalists were on their way to destroying our national sovereinty, passing overbaring regulations and outsourcing jobs to other countries. Ever increasing debt, corruption, and the implementation of Socialism threatened to destroy our great nation as it has in so many other countries. Socialism destroys an economy. Socialism is the transition from freedom to Communism. Communism is absolute government control. Socialism is the desception that our problems can be solved by an increase of government. More regulations require more regulators to enforce those regulations, and more regulations means more fines, permits, and liscenses that you have to pay for because government doesn't produce anything, they can only provide a service. Some services are required in a civilised society, but not as much as they would like you to think. 
 The odds are already against anyone that desires to start a buisiness. Buisiness owners and investors assume a great amount of risk. That risk is greatly increased when government raises taxes and increases regulations. It makes it extremely difficult to be legit and it increases corruption. If a buisiness owner has to pay high taxes and deal with unnessesary regulations it increases the temptation to get involved with crooked polititions, organised crime and money laundering to stay in buisiness. It also increases the temptation for crooked polititions to take bribes and mismanage tax payer's money. It is easier to skim off of a 50% tax than a 5% tax.
 The ultimate goal of the New World Order is to destroy all national sovereinty anyway, so why would they care about preserving our Constitutional Republic and bill of Rights. It is only in their way. They promise you free stuff to get elected so it is in their best interest if they keep you poor. And where do they get all the money to give you free stuff? By taxing hard working people that actually had to work for it.They get extremely rich while everyone else except the crooked buisinessmen get extremely poor.
 Venesualia has the biggest oil reserve in the world, even more so than Saudi Arabia. When a Socialist took over he confiscated the oil company and fired the administrater. He started all kinds of social programs and people got used to having everything for free. but when the oil price dropped 50% the country went bankrupt and the people starved. The people were eating their own pets and breaking into zoos in order to eat the animals.
 In Communist China you can be arrested for criticising the government and they can put you in prison and harvest your organs. They don't allow Facebook there because they don't want them to organise a rebellion to aquire freedom.
 Socialists greatly exaggerate the danger of global warming and claim that the world will end if we don't impliment more socialism. When in reality it is technology and actual science is how we find cleaner sources of energy, not job killing regulations. They rely on hysteria to maintain control, because they know that if people calm down and start thinking rationally they will be out of a job. They even corrupt science by withholding grant money if you disagree with their theory.
 And they squash all religious freedom because they want you to depend on them and not God and the unique abilities God has given you.
 So have a nice day and concider these things next time you vote if you want to keep your right to vote.


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