The Untouchables

Al Capone was a homicidal crime boss in Chicago during the prohibition days. They couldn't make a case against him because he killed, blackmailed, or threaten to harm family members of any witnesses that might witness against him, and the police force was on the take. So rather than charge him with murder, they charged him with income tax evasion. Eliot Ness was a tax man that put together a task force of police that were taken straight from the police academy, rather than relying on officers that were already part of the corrupt system. This task force was referred to as the Untouchables. Capone was imprisoned for tax evasion and died in prison from syphylis.

 That is similar to the current cituation. Not only on a national, but on a world wide scale with Trump(like Eliot Ness) and the Patriots(like the Untouchables). Corruption, globalism, communism, socialism and sharia threaten to destroy our national sovereignty, freedom, and way of life. Corruption and tyrannical ideologies had gotten so ingrained in our culture that we became dangerously close to losing freedom forever. Globalism and the New World Order, crooked politions, child sex trafficking, money laundering, kickbacks from foreign aid, propaganda and political correctness in the mainstream media, Hollywood and Universities, high taxes, unnecessary regulations, taking freedom of speach, freedom of religion and gun rights from law abiding citizens, homelessness, murder, ect,ect,...and crooks not being held accountable because they had gotten too powerful.

 Much progress has been made thanks to the internet, where information can be shared with friends, rather than relying on crooked polititions that accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of, and the mainstream media that is payed to spew out propaganda and keep us in the dark and upset with the wrong people.

 Epstein was arrested in 2008, but only got a slap on the wrist and went on molesting and trafficking girls and blackmailing powerful people for 10+ more years. Avenatti was Sormy Daniels lawyer and involved with the sex cult NXIUM(pronounced nexium)who planned on running for President in 2020 until he was arrested. Actors in Hollywood making payoffs to Universities to give their kids special unearned acceptance. Weinstein was a powerful Hollywood producer that was arrested for molesting women who saught to get into show buisiness. Thousands of child sex trafficking rings arrested. Crooked company CEOs are resigning in droves. The head of the F.B.I. fired... Before Trump was even asked to run for President there were 10s of thousand of sealed endightments with evidence that will put many away.

 There is still a lot of corruption to be purged from our government and rogue intelligence agencies. That is why they are fighting Trump with everything they have because in some cases their very lives depend on it.


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