Wise As A Serpent
In order to illustrate how the enemy works I will give you a hypothetical illustration. Say a black man, a white man and a woman share the same house. A good man comes along and says,"You guys are awesome, you live in love and unity in spite of your differences". Then the good man leaves and time goes by and they forget what the good man said. Then a bad man comes along and gives the black man some money and says, "Those guys don't like you because you are black", and gets him all stirred up and says, "you need to fight for your rights because you are being treated unfairly". He gives the white man some money and says, "They don't like you because you are white", he gets him all stirred up and says, "You need to fight for your rights, because you are being treated unfairly". He gives the woman some money and says, "They don't like you because you are a woman". He gets her all stirred up and says, "You need to...